Pet News

Best Breeds of Dogs for a Farm

farm dog breeds


Farm dogs do more than just watch sleep – they are good at guarding, ratting, herding, and provide companionship. The best dogs blend in effectively with their charges, are attentive day and night, and defend livestock from predators. Are you looking for a farm dog for your rural homestead? Here is our quick guide on the best farm dogs.

But first things first.

What are the qualities of the best farm dogs?

If you have a small hobby farm, your dog should meet specific criteria.

  • It should guide goats and sheep without being too aggressive
  • Should be capable of guarding your house
  • Not interested in running off
  • Will not chase the chicken
  • Can spend quality time with friends after work

Best breeds of dogs for a farm

Golden retriever on a farm

Golden retriever

The golden retriever was originally bred as a hunting dog. But because of its intelligence and obedience, it excels well on the farm. The history of this farm dog dates back to the 19th century. However, it has been cross-bred with other breeds to become what it is today.

The golden retriever stands at 23-24 inches tall and can weigh up to 75 pounds. Also, these dogs have a thick undercoat, which makes them thrive in cold environments.

In terms of personality, the golden retriever is in its league. It’s gentle and has a well-mannered personality. It will bark at your sheep and will behave well when around chickens.

And because it has lots of energy, it excels well in most farm activities. Besides being a great hunting dog, it’s a friendly family companion. The life expectancy of this hunting dog is estimated to be around 12 years. If you’re looking for an easy training dog, the golden retriever is a good fit.

The Australian shepherd on a farm

The Australian shepherd

This dog breed helps shepherds work for a long time. Because of their unique personality, they do a great job of moving your herd from one pen to another. This dog farm is versatile, easy to train, and intelligent. Also, Aussies make a good family companion. If you want them to learn everything about your farm, you should train them early.

While there’s no clear information about the origin of the Australian Shepard, historians believe that the breed originated from Australia. Another theory states that the dog originated from Spain. While there is probably no truth in such statements, this dog breed has been working on American farms for centuries. Some of the characteristics of this dog breed include:

  • The outer coat has a wavy texture
  • The quantity of fur varies with the climate
  • Can be of a combination of colors like amber, hazel, or shades of brown
  • The coat coloring can be blue, black merle, or red
  • Can have white markings on the face, chest, and rear legs
  • The average weight is 50-60 pounds
  • The life expectancy is around 15 years
  • Requires occasional combing or grooming

If you’re interested in a daytime dog farm to follow you as you ride the horses, you can’t go wrong with this breed. Be sure to discuss health screening to ensure the dog is genetically sound. Injuries do happen around the farm, but for this breed, you should expect little vet care.

Aussies are very territorial, so if a stranger comes to your farm, he or she is likely to be bitten. The only downside with this dog breed is it has a high prey drive. Of course, you don’t want to leave it around your chickens.

The Great Pyrenees on a farm

The Great Pyrenees

Despite the widespread use as a family pet, The Great Pyrenees is designed to protect and calm livestock. If well trained, it will spend time with the sheep. It’s also a great farm dog for those trying to raise their livestock in the yard.

Initially, this dog used to live a solitary life. Also, it’s an independent thinker, so you don’t want to boss around the whole day. If there are any perceived threats, the dog will bark aggressively. It will climb and follow flocks up.

If your farm is in a somewhat urban area with many off-leash dogs, then this dog is a great choice. Keep in mind that this farm dog will often chase away intruders.

The Puli on a farm

The Puli

The Puli can work with the livestock the whole day – and will not chase chickens. Being a small breed, it may not be the best farm dog to go on a trail ride. Also, if you have large livestock they can easily get bored.

An adult will weigh about 25 pounds. These dogs also have V-shaped ears, flat back, round feet, and a domed skull. But its true defining feature is the soft undercoat. The curls are also waterproof.

Puli is friendly but can be harsh to strangers. And this is the reason why they are a great watchdog. Besides that, this farm dog is social with children. When it comes to care and maintenance, this breed will not demand a lot from the farmer. You just have to bathe the dog occasionally.

Puli is an intelligent dog that requires consistent training. If your farming activity is herding, this breed will enjoy agility when walking around the neighborhood.

Jack Russel Terrier on a farm

Jack Russel Terrier

While this may look like a small farm dog, it has a big personality. Jack Russel Terrier has lots of energy and is great for catching rodents on the farm. So, if you have some raccoons or mice, the dog will do a perfect job.

Just like other farm dogs, the Terrier is good with children. However, it will tolerate harassing or teasing, or any mistreatment. During puppy age, these dogs tend to be destructive, so you may want to be careful. This farm dog can be challenging to train, but there are many ways you can enjoy their intelligence.

Nevertheless, they like to spend a good day out and enjoy being in the company of their favorite person.

Jack Russel is an excellent farm dog because it considers rodents as prey. For this reason, you should avoid keeping it with guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, etc. Other reasons why you’ll love this dog include:

  • Minimal grooming needs
  • Few health problems
  • Endurance
  • Athleticism
  • Tenacity while at work
  • Tidy habits

The Standard Schnauzer on a farm

The Standard Schnauzer

This is the best breed for your backyard farm – it’s gentle, sociable, and trainable. Despite its decent size, this farm dog will not be pushed around the livestock. This dog will have some prey drive but will not harm your chicken.

The Schnauzer is hardworking and has a whiskered chin. Today, this breed can be trained for special skills like bomb-sniffing, and therapy. No matter the training you give the dog, you can be sure it will follow religiously. For successful training, you should introduce treats. Plus, you have to be very patient.

Another notable characteristic of the schnauzer is the double coat. The outer coat is rough to the touch, and this is what you need when going out there.

This farm dog is overprotective if it sees other dogs. If you have your family around, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your kids. They have a unique personality, especially if they know the kids from childhood.

The standard schnauzer is an energetic dog that likes to exercise for many hours a day. Therefore, you should introduce a mix of long walks, running, play sessions, and advance training.

Some of the specific concerns about this dog breed are:

  • The owner has to set boundaries
  • They can get destructive when bored
  • Socialization is critical
  • Their coats require regular brushing

The Australian cattle dog on a farm

The Australian cattle dog

The Australian cattle dog is known for driving cattle over long distances. Also, referred to as healers, the farm dog is the perfect candidate for every farmstead. This breed was used by Australian hunters to guard expansive ranches but they are still used as herding dogs. Because they can tolerate a lot of pain, dog owners should watch for signs of injuries. Don’t be surprised to find them in the care of rescue groups.

More interestingly, these canines need a lot of exercises, so you don’t want to keep them in confined places. And because they are territorial, the Cattle dogs can be a great watchdog. However, they will be fascinated by cats, squirrels, and other small animals. If you plan to raise the dog with other pets, you can be sure they will live peacefully.

In terms of adaptability, the Australian cattle dog has some unique characteristics. It has high sensitivity, tolerates being alone, and is great for any weather. The agility and obedience of this dog are unmatched. Other characteristics are:

  • Hard double coat
  • The coat color is blue
  • Muscular and athletic
  • Can weigh up to 50 pounds
  • A male can grow up to 20 inches high

Border collie on a farm

Border collie

The Border collie is arguably one of the finest shepherding dogs. It’s preferred by many farmers for the unique working ability rather than appearance. In addition to that, it can work independently so you don’t have a problem leaving it around your farm. They use their eyes to control the sheep and other livestock. Best of all, their ethic is incredibly strong.

It’s believed the first breed originated from England or Scotland. The farm dog features a soft coat that is smooth and wavy. An adult can measure 22 inches (height at the shoulder) and weigh up to 45 pounds. The breed can also live up to 25 years.

Looking at maintenance, you don’t expect to do too much. You need to control the shedding of hair and do regular brushing. Avoid bathing it regularly as this can remove the oils on the skin. His love of the outdoors is sentimental for any farm size.

Dachshund on a farm


Known for its unique badger hunting skills, the Dachshund is a must-have on your large farm. It’s commonly used by many farmers for the impressive catching skills for rabbits and prey. They are also great vermin catchers and make good watchdogs.

The farm dog enjoys running up and down the hills and can be helpful in sheep yards. Despite the small size, the Dachshund can get around at speed.

Dachshund is very selective in their hearing. But they are royal, intelligent, and brave. But one of their biggest strengths is that they know how to steal people’s hearts. And that’s why they can be a delightful addition to your family.

On the downside, this farm dog can be destructive. You’ll find it digging around the fence or getting into the kitchen coop. Don’t get mad if you find the dog in your vegetable patch.

The reason why you should give this little dog a thumbs up is that the legs are forced to do twice the other dogs do. Other characteristics you should keep in mind include:

  • Can weigh up to 32 pounds
  • Can grow up to 9-inches high
  • Has a long-haired coat
  • The colors can range between black, tan, chocolate, and more

Pembroke Welsh corgi

Pembroke Welsh corgi

This is arguably the shortest herding breed known. It gained popularity after being associated with Queen Elizabeth 2. Originally, this bread was used to keep free-range chickens, geese, and ducks.

These dogs are smart and will do the tedious of looking after your farm cattle a breeze. Also, they are prolific alert barkers and can be a bit wary of strangers. They also have an incredible nose to detect diesel fuel and diesel parts. But you can stop any unusual barking by training it to do it only when there’s an impending danger.

That’s not all – the dog will keep your farmyard away from predators. If it sees a challenge, he calls for help.

Even if your corgi is not trained, it will enjoy the joy of being around your cattle.

The physical characteristics of this breed are black coat, with white and sable markings. On the other hand, the ears are erect pointy while the tail is pointy. It weighs about 40 pounds and can grow up to 12 inches.

Historically, the dogs were used in wales to graze with livestock. And because it enjoys the company of the owner, this is the best dog to have around your farm. To ensure your farm dog remains in tip-top shape, regular grooming is a must – it helps remove the mats and dead hair.

Despite the few drawbacks, the unwavering support of this dog to your farm is unmatched.

Now you know the best farm dog. If you bring the above breeds to your farm, they will be worth the time.

Pet News

Why Finches Make Wonderful Pets

Gouldian Finch


Why finches make wonderful pets? With a lively personality, finches keep themselves busy. These birds grow up to a maximum length of twenty centimeters. Though finches are small in size, they catch the attention of the people with their vibrant and lively nature. The practice of keeping these bird species as pets is not a new custom. Several people have been keeping these birds as pets for many years.

These beautiful birds have an inherent ability to make the life of the pet owner more entertaining and delightful. Maintenance does not become a serious source of concern when you have finches as pets. The lifespan of these birds is in between five and 10 years. Finches don’t need a lot of space to thrive. You can keep them in small apartments. With proper care and attention, these birds lead a long and healthy life.

Learn some vital things about finches

– Finches can be classified as softbills

– Many people also classify finches as waxbills or hardbills

– Finches thrive better as small flocks

– These birds are equipped with stout conical bills suitable to eat eating nuts and seeds fast

– Finches belong to the family of Fringillidae

Now let us focus on the question, why finches make wonderful pets?’ Here are the most important reasons that make finches good pets:

The intelligence levels of this bird are high

Generally speaking, birds have higher intelligence compared to other animals. A finch is an intelligent bird and learns things fast. The natural inquisitiveness of this bird makes them one of the highly favored pet birds. As a finch keeps developing a bond with you, it learns from you continuously about your behavior. This type of bird is extremely good at showing human-like antics.

It is a fact that finches navigate thousands of miles to migrate. What does this aspect suggest? It clearly indicates that these birds excellent problem solvers. Cognitive and problem-solving skills are always considered as two components of high intelligence. That is to say, you can always associate a high degree of intelligence with finches. So, these birds learn things faster and make excellent pets.

Only minimal grooming is needed

You don’t need to spend a lot of time and effort to groom these birds. With an inherent ability to interact with human beings, they adapt to a news situation fast. Most types of birds are naturally hygienic creatures. A finch is no different. Preening the feathers daily, this bird makes dedicated efforts to keep the feathers clean and shiny.

You don’t have to spend time cleaning feathers using shampoos. Don’t worry about flea baths. There are no costly haircuts needed. With the help of easy nail trimming and feather clipping, you can keep this bird clean and healthy. Finches only need a light shower in non-chlorinated water once a week.

High suitability for stay-at-home families

Finches love to flock together. In other words, finches want the presence of their companions at all times. Just like a human being, a finch always looks out for a companion or friend. Many of these birds talk and play with you. Some of them are capable of singing to you. If you are prepared to spend time with a bird when it is out of the cage, you can make it sociable fast.

If you keep a dog as a pet, he/she always keeps roaming around and often stays unattended even in your home. You don’t have to worry about this issue when you keep finches as pets. You can take care of them easily. These birds can be put inside a cage whenever you want. Many bird pet owners place the birds inside the cages for safety when they are busy or at work.

Cost-efficient feeding

Birds, especially, finch birds eat only a small portion of food daily. The quantity is considerably lower than the food needed for other types of pets. Further, you can associate high cost0efficiency with top-quality bird foods. It is because of the fact that even the highest-quality food and fresh produce required for finches are primarily plant-based foods. Compared to the price of protein foods needed for dogs and cats, the prices of bird foods are extremely cheaper.

When it comes to offering food for a finch, you must opt for a high-quality diet of pre-cleaned fresh produce, seeds, and pelleted food. You can give them vegetables and fruits that you buy for yourself. Whenever you buy fruits and vegetables, you can keep a portion for finches. What does it suggest? You don’t have to buy specially created pet foods every time to keep the birds healthy. The pet owners and birds can eat together as a flock. So, you don’t have to worry about any over-preparation pet food that results in undesirable food wastage. All of these aspects help you save a lot of money in the long run.

A finch always loves to eat the end pieces of most vegetables and fruits. You can easily find a lot of these pieces on the kitchen counter or in the refrigerator. It is a smart step to add the normally discarded raw bits of vegetables and fruits to the diet of your finches. With these foods, you can offer the birds much-needed nutrients and variety as well. One important thing you need to remember is that the foods you give are non-toxic and safe for birds.

Appreciable socialization skills

If you provide proper training, you can improve the socialization skills of a finch considerably. You can make this bird as lovable as a cat or dog. Frequent interactions and the right training methods develop an insuperable relationship between a bird and owner. Some of the well-trained finches accompany their owners on routine tasks like trips to the mall or bank. You should not take your bird along with you in colder climates. Since these birds at very good at mimicking sounds and gestures, you can easily teach them simple tasks and tricks to keep you entertained.

A finch is always capable of recognizing its owner. It can also identify the cage and toys easily. Some finches sit on the shoulder of the owner to suggest that dinner time is up. The key to improving the socialization skills of this bird is to spend more time with it outside of the cage. This method of approach results in improved interactions and creative responses.

If you have a job that keeps you out of your house for a long period, you must consider buying a second companion for your finch. Since finches prefer to have a companion, you don’t need to worry about any fighting issues.

three finches

Adjust well to houses or apartments with space restrictions

A finch is a small bird. It doesn’t need a large space to move around. No matter whether you live in an apartment or condo with limited space, you can keep a finch with effortless ease and comfort. Space restrictions may not allow you to keep larger pets, especially dogs. Large breed dogs need to have a lot of space to romp and play. A finch cage easily fits into a small apartment or any other living area with space limitations.

Several landlords often charge monthly pet fees from tenants who own dogs and cats. You don’t have to worry about such a fee when you have a pet bird. Most of the landlords don’t consider a bird as a pet. However, you must read the terms and conditions of the lease agreement carefully. This approach lets you know whether keeping a bird is an economical option or not.

As a tenant, you should be careful about the potential sound level of your finches. When you bring these birds to a home that is close to another home, this aspect becomes highly relevant. If your neighbors complain about the sounds of your birds at odd hours, you are most likely to get a warning from your landlord.

Finches have a reasonably good lifespan

The average lifespan of healthy finches is around 11 years. Most pet owners are not interested in keeping animals or birds with a low lifespan. Owning a pet is a pleasurable experience. On the contrary, losing a pet is a painful experience. Finches have a reasonably good lifespan compared to many other pet birds. So, these birds are a good choice as pets. Pet lovers always want to buy birds with an enhanced lifespan so that they can love and enjoy the company for a very long time.

Important factors to remember while adopting a finch

If you are planning to have finches as pets, you should be mindful of a few important aspects. It is not wise to head to a local pet shop immediately to buy birds. You should have a clear idea about these birds before the purchase. Better awareness about these birds let you nurture them more efficiently.

– Finches don’t necessarily need human interaction

– You don’t need to force finches into social behavior

– They always look for a partner

– There should be enough space in the cage to promote free movement

– It is always advisable to offer a finch a cage with a natural environment

– Keep the cage out of a draft

– You can build a wooden cage to blend in with the existing décor of your living room

Study the dietary needs of finches carefully

When it comes to buying finches, you must have a clear idea about the dietary requirements. Many people keep feeding only seeds to these birds. You must realize the fact that a finch also loves to eat a bit of cuttlebone, hard-boiled eggs, vegetables, and little fruits. When you offer these types of foods along with seeds, you are adding variety and color and to the diets of these birds. This approach leads to an improved life expectancy of a finch.

Keep a bowl of water inside the finch cage

A finch likes to play around in a small vessel or bowl of cool water, especially during the summer season. So, you should keep a bowl of water on the cage bottom. Cleaning the cage regularly is a must. You can use fresh water to clean the finch cage. The food particles must be cleaned and removed thoroughly.

gouldian finches

A lot of training and handling are needed to touch finches

You can describe finches as highly sociable bird species by nature. You don’t have to force to behave properly. Without showing any aggression, finches interact with human beings naturally. These birds also don’t show any aggression towards children or other pets. If you want to touch a finch, you need to focus continuous pet handling. As you keep touching and handling these birds, they will get used to physical contact with human beings.

Stressful environments keep a finch disturbed

Finches don’t respond well to stressful environments. These birds cannot adjust well if there are constantly barking dogs in your home. Some children often poke their fingers into a finch cage. This act makes them irritated. Therefore, you must tell children and other people not to frustrate the bird with unwanted gestures and actions. That is to say, you must avoid situations that cause stress and fear in the birds.

Some people buy finches for sale before start learning about their behavior and dietary requirements. If you want to be a responsible pet bird owner, you must do your research before heading to a bird shop. As mentioned above, finches are cute and beautiful birds. If you take care of them properly, they grow up as healthy and smart birds and bring life and energy to your home. Learn about this bird as much as you can before buying one.

If you face space restrictions, you should not purchase a large number of birds. A pair of birds would be the ideal choice in such a situation. If you have enough space, sufficient funds, and no restrictions on mobility, you can buy any number of finches and keep them as pets. These birds make perfect companions for children and senior citizens. A pet-less household can certainly consider buying these birds as pets.