Pet News

Living In a City With a Dog

living in the city with a dog


Living in the city with a dog is sometimes difficult. Since we are so Force sensitive, traffic is something to be contend with. It is usually best to find apartments or houses with a fence. I once lived in someone’s city apartment that had no fence, and the back yard wasn’t fenced either. A pit bull mix attacked one of my neighbors and severely bit him on his thigh. My friend’s dog stopped only when I was out of the way. She was a little distraught, but after that never again would I leave him to walk link with his dog.

We have a single female dog, and she got out a few times, including one night when she almost got hit by a car. She later returned home shaking and all was well. A man came over to fix the tape I was using to keep the barking dog quiet. Instead he removed the barking collar. The next night the dog returned barking and when I told him she was getting out of line, he returned the collar and QUIW accutronly!

I am an adamant Removalist of animals from my house. However, I know that some of them have value, especially if they have been paper trained. If someone comes to the door, I generally don’t give them attention until they leave. Sometimes that includes throwing a can of bitter apple on them. I just can’t be bothered to have a dog bark at my friends when they come through the door. Sometimes I don’t want to annoy them, and occasionally my barking dog is causing problems.

A dog is barking for a reason. Sometimes it is to alert you that a mail man is trying to enter your home. If you know that your dog barks at virtually any people that approaches your home, then you know that the barking is probably to get attention. It isn’t worth it to them to stop barking. If you know it is to get attention from you, then you know that you can’t stop them.

Perhaps you have a neighbor who would be thrilled to stop the dog barking. You certainly don’t want to have an intruder go through your home. Of course, if that is the case, you will want to know the reason for the dog’s barking. That is another story. Where I live my neighbors give my dogs quite a bit of leeway. They know the dogs are noisy, but they don’t mind it. I don’t. If it bothers you, then you will want to know the reason for the dog’s barking. You don’t want to fire him or her, but know it needs to stop.

I would love to keep all of this quiet. That would mean that I only bark when I want to. That isn’t realistic. If I want to warn you about a bear, I can’t stop my dog from barking. That would be ridiculous. That would mean that I couldn’t be a responsible dog owner. Are you going to keep that dog outside or is she going to run down the road while construction crews are doing permeable paver installation and get hit by a car?

The only reason a dog barks is because it wants attention. It misses the point of what you are trying to accomplish. You want to stop the dog from barking, not from barking. If you want to keep the dog from barking you need to show the dog that barking is not a wanted behavior.

This can’t be done with a one-day training regimen. It has to be implemented for the life of the dog.